Water Garden Plants
Variegated Sweet
Acorus Calamus
Very attractive green
and white striped leaves provide a focus in the water
garden. Not as strongly scented as the regular variety.
Yellow Iris
Iris Pseudacorus
A tall, sword leafed
plant with bright yellow flowers in early summer grows 24
to 36" tall, the original
Graceful Cattail
Typha Angustifolia
A taller form with graceful
thin leaves, 4 to 6 feet tall, can be grown in water up
to two feet deep.
Umbrella Palm
A great addition to
any pond - the green stems are topped by a plume of
narrow leaves in an
umbrella shape. Easy to care for, this makes a great accent
plant - 21/2 to 3
feet tall.
Dwarf Papyrus
Cyperus haspans
A small version with plumes that resemble dill in form. Very
easy to grow and
good in smaller ponds. Grows 1 to 2 feet tall.
Water Canna
Canna glauca
Large spear shaped
leaves radiate from the crown of this plant, followed by
spectacular yellow
blooms spotted with orange from mid July until frost. Grows
3 to 31/2 feet. A
great centrepiece or accent plant.
Water Hyacinth
One of the most popular
pond plants, with its bulbous leaf stems and occasional
spike of purple flowers.
Fish find the roots excellent for protecting eggs and
spawn. One plant can
multiply up to 20 times through the summer.
Water Lettuce or
Shell Flower
Pistia Stratiodes
Velvety blue green
leaves form a rosette while new plants often form from a
runner to the side.
This plant is happiest in partial shade
Azolla caroliniana
Often called fairy
moss, this rapidly multiplying plant is great for fast cover. Sometimes
turns red in cold
weather, or shade.
Elodea canadensis
Very vigorous and
hardy - it will grow quickly under the right conditions. Available
mid to late May -
supply limited.